Septoplasty surgery plays a crucial role in improving sleep quality for individuals with a deviated nasal septum

Septoplasty is surgery to fix a crooked (or deviated) septum. This procedure allows better airflow through your nose and may improve breathing. Septoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure, so most people can go home the day of surgery. Swelling may last two to three days, but full recovery may take up to three months. While septoplasty is often performed how to prepare for septoplasty surgery as a stand-alone procedure, your provider may recommend septoplasty and turbinate reduction. During turbinate reduction, your surgeon reduces the size of the small, bony structures inside your nose.

What happens during septoplasty?

Septoplasty is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so most people go home the day of their surgery. In most cases, a healthcare provider will place you under general anesthesia. This means you’ll be asleep during the operation. Local anesthesia, which numbs the part of the body targeted for surgery, might be an option.

The procedure takes place entirely inside your nose. Your surgeon creates an incision (cut) on one side of your nose and lifts the mucosa (a thin membrane that covers and protects the septum). This allows your surgeon to reshape the septum’s bone and cartilage. Sometimes your surgeon will remove parts of the bone and cartilage, then reshape and reposition your nose’s underlying structures. Afterward, they’ll reposition the mucosa back over the septum. Your nose is not broken during surgery. The operation takes between 30 and 90 minutes.

The primary benefit of septoplasty is improved nasal breathing. A deviated septum can block one or both nostrils, making breathing through the nose difficult, especially during physical activities or sleep. By straightening the septum, septoplasty opens the nasal airway, significantly improving airflow and making breathing easier.

During septoplasty in Los Angeles, Dr. Cohen meticulously reshapes the septum and internal nasal architecture, meticulously maneuvering it back to its rightful position at the center to optimize airflow. Restoring the balance to the septum means that the air can flow freely again, bringing a breath of fresh relief to those who’ve long been gasping for it. The real sciatic nerve pain treatment at home magic of septoplasty is in its transformative power. It’s not just about the enhancement of your breathing; it’s about the improvement of your quality of life. And for many, this breath of fresh air is more than just a physical relief; it’s a moment of reclaiming control, one inhale at a time.

The recovery takes about 7-10 days to complete, but patients experience the most discomfort during the first 48 hours. The surgeon will provide the patient with personalized post-operative instructions in order to make the recovery as quick and easy as possible.

Patients who need to have a septoplasty performed should make an effort to locate the most qualified cosmetic surgeon in their region. It is essential to work with a skilled surgeon who is experienced in performing the septoplasty procedure, as well as other nose surgery procedures such as the rhinoplasty.

A deviated septum can cause several symptoms, including:

Nasal congestion or stuffiness.

Difficulty breathing through the nose.

Frequent nosebleeds.

Facial pain.


Snoring or sleep apnea.

Postnasal drip.

Reduced sense of smell.

An ENT specialist or otolaryngologist diagnoses and treats the condition. They may perform a physical examination or use imaging tests such as CT scans to determine the extent of the deviated septum.

Better sleep quality

As mentioned before, septoplasty surgery plays a crucial role in improving sleep quality for individuals with a deviated nasal septum. By realigning the septum and opening up the nasal passages, this procedure allows for improved airflow during sleep. As a result, snoring and sleep apnea episodes are reduced, and individuals experience fewer interruptions in their sleep. With enhanced nasal breathing, individuals can achieve deeper and more restful sleep, waking up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The alleviation of sleep-related breathing issues contributes to overall well-being, daytime alertness, and improved quality of life.

Surgical Risks

Embarking on the journey towards septoplasty can be likened to stepping into a brave new world of hope and promise for those wrestling with a deviated septum. But every adventure has its potential hazards, and septoplasty is no exception. This surgical intervention carries the inherent risks associated with any operation, such as reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, and infection. There’s also a chance of nasal discomfort, changes in the sense of smell, or even an altered nose shape.

It’s vital to weigh these risks against the potential benefits and discuss them thoroughly with your surgeon before deciding on your path forward.

Deviated nasal septum surgery provides you relief while breathing and sleeping. It is an outpatient procedure, so you need not stay in the hospital for a longer time. Consult a doctor based on the severity of symptoms.

Contact a doctor to get professional medical advice if you have any queries about the procedure or complications.

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